TOKYO meets MILAN 2024



A collaboration between Marriott International’s "The Luxury Collection" brands. The Excelsior Hotel Gallia, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Milan, a landmark located in the center of the sophisticated city of Milan, Italy, is offering a special menu and accommodation plans featuring local recipes as well as dinner events featuring chefs invited all the way from Italy. Enjoy a taste of the Milanese lifestyle, the city at the forefront of fashion, design and gastronomy trends, right here in Tokyo.

Excelsior Hotel Gallia, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Milan
Excelsior Hotel Gallia,
a Luxury Collection Hotel, Milan

1932年にミラノで創業。街の中心であるミラノ中央駅前に佇み、アールデコ建築と洗練されたデザインで“ベルエポックの高貴な宝石”とも称されるラグジュアリーホテル。2015年にミラノの名高いデザイナー“マルコ・ピヴァ” によって全面リニューアルを完了。ザ・プリンスギャラリー 東京紀尾井町と同じく、マリオット・インターナショナルのラグジュアリーブランド「ラグジュアリーコレクション」に加盟している。

Founded in Milan in 1932, the Excelsior Hotel Gallia was completely renovated in 2015 by renowned Milanese designer Marco Piva. Situated in front of Milano Centrale Station in the center of the city, this luxury hotel is also known as the “noble jewel of the Belle Époque”, with its Art Deco architecture and sophisticated design. Like The Prince Gallery Tokyo Kioicho, the Excelsior Hotel Gallia is a member of Marriott International’s luxury brand “The Luxury Collection”.

Lebano Bros.
Lebano Bros.
Vincenzo Lebano / Antonio Lebano

メインダイニング「Terrazza Gallia」ヘッドシェフ(写真上)
Excelsior Hotel Gallia
Executive Chef /
Main Dining “Terrazza Gallia” Head Chef

イタリアでも有数の食文化を誇るカンパーニャ州・ナポリ出身のレバノ兄弟。ミシュラン3つ星レストラン「Da Vittorio」などイタリア屈指のレストランで経験を積み、現在は、兄・ヴィンツェンツォは「エクセルシオールホテル・ガリア」のエグゼクティブシェフとして、弟・アントニオはメインダイニング「Terrazza Gallia」のヘッドシェフとしてミラノを訪れる多くの美食家たちを唸らせている。

The Lebano brothers hail from Naples, Campania, one of Italy's most prestigious culinary regions. After several years of experience in some of Italy's top restaurants including the three-star Michelin restaurant "Da vittorio", elder brother Vincenzo is Executive Chef of Excelsior Hotel Gallia and younger brother Antonio is Head Chef of the hotel’s main dining room Terrazza Gallia. The brothers continue to amaze countless gourmets visiting Milan.



Modern Italian × Contemporary Japanese 和伊Kaiseki -新CREATION-

2024.3.6 Wed. / 7 Thu. / 8 Fri.

“イタリア”と“日本”の食文化が融合する食のイノベーション。「エクセルシオールホテル・ガリア」より、エグゼクティブシェフのヴィンツェンツォ・レバノ氏(兄)と、メインダイニング ヘッドシェフのアントニオ・レバノ氏(弟)、さらに同ホテルのエグゼクティブペストリーシェフのステファノ・トロヴィーシ氏が来日。当ホテルのエグゼクティブシェフ 髙橋賢と、寿司ヘッドシェフ 山田哲也とともに3夜限定のスペシャルディナーコースを考案。

Innovative cuisine that fuses the culinary cultures of Italy and Japan.
Excelsior Hotel Gallia, a Luxury Collection Hotel in Milan, is pleased to announce that Executive Chef Vincenzo Lebano, his younger brother Head Chef Antonio Lebano, and the hotel's Executive Pastry Chef Stefano Trovisi, will be visiting Japan.
Together with Ken Takahashi, Executive Chef of The Prince Gallery Tokyo Kioicho, and Tetsuya Yamada, Head Sushi Chef, they will create a special dinner course for three nights only.
These five chefs, from the Italian and Japanese culinary traditions, have combined their wisdom and expertise to create a culinary tribute befitting their abilities.

  • 1名さま per person ¥25,000〜
  • SEIBU PRINCE CLUB / Marriott Bonvoy
  • 会員さま members ¥23,000〜


Italian Lunch Course by Lebano Bros.

2024.2.1 Thu. - 3.31 Sun.

Three main dishes for lunch course, supervised by the Lebano brothers. Please select your preferred dish.

01. ヴェスヴィオパスタのジェノベーゼ
Vesuvio Pasta Genovese

Pasta Vesuvio is a mountain-shaped short pasta named after the volcano on the outskirts of Naples, Campania, the hometown of the Lebano brothers. In pursuit of the ideal pairing, the Lebano brothers have created a dish featuring Genovese sauce with pine nuts and pecorino cheese.

02. 牛ほほ肉の煮込み ポレンタときのこを添えて
Braised Beef Cheeks
with Polenta and Mushrooms

Also known as Brasato, this is a local winter dish of northern Italy. The local style of stewed meat with polenta is common as winter arrives, and is a dish that is appreciated even during the festive season.

03. 魚介と甲殻類のアクアパッツァ
“Crazy Water Soup”
Seafood Acqua Pazza
“Crazy Water Soup”

Traditional dish of the Naples region. The name derives from the fact that Italian sailors prepared it with ingredients that could be easily preserved on board, such as fish caught that day, white wine, tomato sauce and olive oil. The movement at sea is represented by the words ‘acqua (water)’ and ‘pazza (crazy)’.

  • 1名さま per person ¥7,000〜
  • SEIBU PRINCE CLUB / Marriott Bonvoy
  • 会員さま members ¥5,600〜
  • All-Day Dining OASIS GARDEN(36F)
  • ​単品でもオーダーいただけます。​
  • Individual dishes also available to order.


SAKURA from Milan
Afternoon Tea by Excelsior Hotel Gallia

2024.2.15 Thu. - 4.15 Mon.

「エクセルシオールホテル・ガリア」のエグゼクティブペストリーシェフ ステファノ・トロヴィーシ氏監修のアフタヌーンティー。ミラノと東京、それぞれのホテルの前に咲く桜をテーマに、春の訪れの喜びや美しさを表現いたします。
Afternoon tea supervised by Executive Pastry Chef Stefano Trovisi of the Excelsior Hotel Gallia. The theme is the cherry blossoms that bloom in front of the Excelsior Hotel Gallia and The Prince Gallery Tokyo Kioicho, representing all the joy and beauty of spring’s arrival.

  • 1名さま per person ¥7,500〜
  • SEIBU PRINCE CLUB / Marriott Bonvoy
  • 会員さま members ¥5,600〜
  • All-Day Dining OASIS GARDEN(36F)
  • Sky Gallery Lounge Levita(35F)
Stefano Trovisi
Stefano Trovisi

Excelsior Hotel Gallia
Executive Pastry Chef

美食の街・プーリア州のプティニャーノ生まれ。 情熱、好奇心、決断力、そして伝統に深く根ざしたアプローチによって、有名ホテルや星付きレストランでキャリアを積み、2021年「エクセルシオールホテル・ガリア」のエグゼクティブペストリーシェフに就任。エレガントで革新的なデザートで個性を表現し続けています。
Born in Putignano in the gastronomic region of Puglia. Passion, great curiosity, determination and a deeply rooted approach to tradition, led him to a career in prestigious hotels and starred restaurants. In 2021, he was appointed Executive Pastry Chef at the Excelsior Hotel Gallia. He continues to express his personality with elegant and innovative desserts.


Italian Cocktails

2024.2.1 Thu. - 3.31 Sun.

Enjoy four Excelsior Hotel Gallia signature cocktails.

01. Red Beauty

The "Red Beauty" is a twist on the traditional cocktail, the Kir Royal.

02. Japonisme

The "Japonisme" is a Negroni cocktail, which was first created in Florence, but made with plum wine.

03. An Old Aztec Remedy

A twist on the Penicillin, a traditional cocktail.

04. Healthy & Funky (Non-Alcoholic)

エクセルシオールホテル・ガリアの「Terrazza Gallia Bar」でベストセラーのノンアルコールカクテル。
A best-selling non-alcoholic cocktail at the Terrazza Gallia Bar at the Excelsior Hotel Gallia.

  • 01〜03 各 each ¥3,200
    04 ¥2,500
  • Sky Gallery Lounge Levita(35F)


In-Room Afternoon Tea
-SAKURA from Milan-

2024.2.15 Thu. - 4.15 Mon.

Afternoon tea, a collaboration supervised by the Executive Pastry Chef of the Excelsior Hotel Gallia, will be delivered to your room along with Italian prosecco.

  • 1名さま per person ¥60,416〜
  • SEIBU PRINCE CLUB会員さま members ¥57,395〜
  • デラックスルーム1室2名さまご利⽤時
  • Deluxe Room accommodating 2 persons per room



Restaurant Reservation


Accommodation Reservation



日本旅行・ITAエアウェイズで行く!ミラノへの旅 Go with Nippon Travel Agency
& ITA Airways !
Trip to Milan

東京・紀尾井町でのイタリア体験のあとは、ミラノへ After your Italian experience in
Kioicho, Tokyo, visit Milan.

日本旅行のエキスパートコンシェルジュが、航空券・ホテル・現地観光など、お客さまの希望をお伺いし、オーダーメイドでの旅をご提案いたします。 Expert concierges from Nippon Travel Agency will ascertain your wishes about airline tickets, hotels, local destinations, and other factors to put together a custom trip just for you.

  • 本プランの宿泊先はエクセルシオールホテル・ガリアに限ります。
  • The Special Custom Plan requires that you stay in Excelsior Hotel Gallia.
平日 weekdays 10:00A.M.~6:00P.M.
  • 土休日休み Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays
  • 日本旅行・ITA AIRWAYSで行く!ミラノへの旅
  • 日本旅行・ITA AIRWAYSで行く!ミラノへの旅