Jaako Tähti & Visit Finland
ザ・プリンスギャラリー 東京紀尾井町が目指す
フィンランド大使館商務部(Business Finland)上席商務官の
The Prince Gallery Tokyo Kioicho is committed to being an eco-friendly hotel for a sustainable future.
This time, we have designed a stay plan to experience the food and lifestyle of Finland, an advanced country in the field of sustainability.
With advice from Laura Kopilow, Senior Advisor at Business Finland, we offer a pleasant holiday experience in Tokyo with sustainable body care items and breakfasts that connect you to nature. Let the aromas and flavors of the forest soak into your entire body, leaving you feeling enriched and relaxed.
Amenities that evoke the deep forests of Finland
Osmia is a leading Finnish hair and body care brand within the sauna culture of Finland. Based on fragrant essence inspired by the deep natural blessings of Finland, Osmia designs and develops fragrances that are as close as possible to the natural aromas of Finland.
フィンランドの森の微⽣物から抽出した成分「*Reconnecting Nature™」 を全製品に配合。森そのものとも⾔える製品を作るスキンケアブランド。「肌からの森林浴」をテーマとしたフォレストダストオイルはマッサージやスキンケア、ヘアケアオイルなどに使⽤することができます。
All products contain *Reconnecting Nature™, an ingredient extracted from microorganisms in the Finnish forest. This skincare brand creates products that embody the forest itself. Forest Dust oil, a "forest bath for the skin," can be used for massage, skin care, and hair care.
Relax with eye-care stones
⾃然に恵まれたフィンランド北東の湖地⽅で28億年前に⽣成された本物のカレリアン・ソープストーンでつくられた「HUKKA DESIGN」のアイケアストーン。極めて⾼密度の⽯で、熱や冷たさを⻑時間蓄える性質が特徴。
HUKKA DESIGN eye-care stones are made of genuine Karelian soapstone, formed 2.8 billion years ago in the northeastern lake region of Finland, a region of abundant natural blessings. Extremely dense, this stone has the ability to store heat and cold for a long time.
Bags made of recycled cotton
「Pure Waste」は、衣料品の製造工程で出るコットンの端材を使用し作り直す、フィンランド発のアパレルブランド。主素材にリサイクルコットンを採用することで、染色の全工程をカットでき、染色に必要な大量の水を節水しています。
Pure Waste is a Finnish apparel brand that re-cycles cotton scraps from the garment manufacturing process. Using recycled cotton as the main material eliminates the entire dyeing process, conserving the huge amounts of water needed for dyeing.
Finnish breakfast in your room
Overnight oats are made from oatmeal soaked in oat milk or almond milk and then left to soften in the fridge overnight.
A popular breakfast in Finland, it contains dietary fiber and is said to have strong intestinal regulating properties, such as supporting the balance of intestinal bacteria. Enjoy it with the textures of nuts and berries.
One of the most popular dishes in Finland, this dish is made of cream cheese, smoked salmon, boiled egg, and fresh dill on rye bread. Accented with mayonnaise made according to a Finnish recipe.
Berry picking is an activity enjoyed from summer to autumn in Finland. This plan includes a smoothie made with berries, which is very popular in Finland.
Finland has the world's highest level of coffee consumption per capita. Enjoy your morning with a cup of fragrant coffee.
Time for blissful relaxation
ホテル30Fにある「SPA & FITNESS KIOI」の温浴施設をご利用いただけます。
The plan includes use of the hot bath facilities of SPA & FITNESS KIOI, located on the 30th floor of the hotel.
Enjoy some relaxing moments and take in views of Tokyo from this high elevation.
Enjoy a private mist sauna with the natural aroma of vihta, a fragrant sauna item made of bundled branches and leaves.
2023.10.23 Mon. - 2024 .3.31 Sun.
Designer’s Suite Room
accommodating 2 persons per room
1名さま per person
会員さま members
Deluxe Room
accommodating 2 persons per room
1名さま per person
会員さま members
Designer’s Suite Room
Deluxe Room
Supervised by
Business Finland, Senior Advisor,
Fashion and Lifestyle
フィンランド⼤使館商務部 上席商務官
Live with nature
国⼟⾯積の約75%を森林が占めるフィンランドでは、森は⼤切な友達のようなものです。⾃然の恵みはみんなのものと考え、「⾃然享受権」(Everyoneʼs rights)という権利があり、国有地や私有地にかかわらず、ベリー摘みやキノコ狩りなどを⾃由に楽しむことができます。そして豊かな⾃然を⾝近に感じながら、インテリアや⽇々のアイテムにも⾃然の恵みを取り⼊れて⽣活しています。フィンランドのライフスタイルを感じていただける本プランを通じ、「フィンランドに触れるホテル時間」をお楽しみください。
In Finland, where forests cover about 75% of the land area, forests are like dear friends. We believe that nature belongs to everyone, and anyone can enjoy “Everyoneʼs rights”. This means that regardless of whether land is state-owned or private, one is free to engage in such activities as picking berries or mushrooms. And while feeling close to the rich nature in our daily lives, we also incorporate it into our interiors and everyday items. Through this stay plan, please experience the Finnish lifestyle and find your own Finnish happiness.
協賛:株式会社 三栄コーポレーション
協力:フィンランド大使館商務部(Business Finland)/宝通商株式会社
Supported by: Sanyei Corporation
Cooperation: Business Finland / Takara Tsusho Co., Ltd.