TAKANAWA HANAKOHRO achieved a Five-Star rating 5 years in a row.

We are proud to announce that TAKANAWA HANAKOHRO has earned a Five-star rating in 2025 Forbes travel Guide. It achieved a Five-Star rating five years in a row.
We are deeply grateful to all whom have supported us. We will continue striving to provide services and products that make stays memorable for all our guests from Japan and abroad.

<Seibu Prince Global Rewards 会員さま限定>
Forbes 星獲得記念プランのご案内

いつもご愛顧いただいておりますみなさまへ感謝の気持ちをこめて5つ星 の「5」にちなんだ5つの特典付きプランをご用意いたしました。

Iuspired by the ‘5’ of Five Star, we are launching a stay package with 5 exclusive benefits.
Add a feeling of elegance spending a relaxing time at Takanawa.

フォーブス・トラベルガイドについて About Forbes Travel Guide

Forbes Travel Guide is the first travel guide in the world that introduced rating system of authorized star-level hotels. Since its foundation in 1958, it has been offering overall ratings of hotels, restaurants and Spa.
Special investigators will rate anonymously based on 900 strict and objective standards, so that travelers can enjoy their travel based on correct information.

We have been verified by the "Sharecare Health Security VERIFIED™ with Forbes Travel Guide", a certification given to hotels that have passed 360 standards. We look forward to continuing to provide our guests with a safe and secure stay.

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